Sara Burress

Ayurvedic Health Coach

Discovering Your Own Path to Healing

Earth, water, fire, air, and ether: the five elements that are present within each of us and all of nature. Through coaching with Sara, you will discover how each element interacts within your own unique constitution.

Approach imbalance gently

Everyone will uncover a state of imbalance within themselves. We can use our understanding of our own constitution to determine a path forward, called a journey plan.


Individual Coaching Series

Online or in-person, this is designed for folks wanting an individualized approach and a deeper dive into their own healing journey.

6 sessions | $500 | Get started

Group Cleanse

Join our small group online for a week long Ayurvedic cleanse. Also known as a kitchari cleanse, Sara will guide you in diet, lifestyle, and mindfulness practices geared to eliminate toxins from your body. Cleanses are offered each fall and spring

week-long guided cleanse | $89 | Fall 2025 Cleanse TBD

Get started today.